LoRa-Alliance released LoRaWan 1.1 specification

LoRaWan Specification and Regional Parameters

LoRaWAN 1.1 Specification

The latest LoRaWAN Specification features the following capabilities:

  • Support for handover roaming, which allows transferring control of the end-device from one LoRaWAN network to another. Earlier versions of this specification can already be used for passive roaming, which is transparent to the end-device.

  • Bidirectional end-devices with scheduled receive slots (Class B) are part of the specification enhancements and are now officially supported.

  • Enhancements for additional security hardening.

In order to support heterogeneous deployments and not force a globally coordinated upgrade, both LoRaWAN 1.1 end-devices and networks will support backward compatibility to interoperate with their LoRaWAN 1.0.x legacy peers.

LoRaWAN Backend Interfaces 1.0 Specification

The new LoRaWAN Backend Interfaces 1.0 specification enables the following capabilities:

  • Has the ability to break down the network into network server (NS), join server (JS) and application server (AS).

  • Enables roaming for both LoRaWAN 1.0.x (passive roaming only) and LoRaWAN 1.1 networks (both passive and handover roaming).

  • Identifies the entity that stores end-device credentials (including root keys) as JS. It can be separated from networks and administered by an entity independent of the networks that the end-device may be using. This allows networks to offload the authentication procedure to a dedicated system, which can also be operated by a third party. This third-party JS also enables an end-device to be manufactured without having to be personalized for the networks it may eventually be connecting to.
